Understand your world with Pandora Intelligence

“To create a safer world, we had to understand it first”

We enable fast and responsible decision-making. Our ENGINE combines a narrative approach with an AI powered ontology and helps you to create predictive and actionable intelligence out of large amounts of dynamic data.

We reduce
tedious routine tasks

(at least)
0 %

We increase
your output

(at least)
0 %

We increase
the productivity of your teams
by a factor:

(at least)
0 x

Cargo Intelligence

We provide risk assessments and logistical optimalisations for freight forwarders, logistics operators and customs.

By combining an extensive range of data sources with real-time information, our ENGINE produces relevant insights and recommendations.

Freight forwarders, logistics operators and customs rely on Pandora Intelligence increase cargo volumes, while reducing the risk of transporting illegal, military and dangerous goods.

Customer Due Dilligence Intelligence

We enhance the customer due dilligence process for banks, insurers and fintec companies.

By combining an extensive range of data sources with real-time information, our ENGINE produces relevant insights and recommendations.

Banks, insurers and fintec companies rely on Pandora Intelligence to enhance customer relations while reducing the risk of fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing.

Subversive Crime Intelligence

We provide situational awareness for governments, law enforcement agencies and international ports. 

By combining an extensive range of data sources with real-time information, our ENGINE produces relevant insights and recommendations.

Governments, law enforcement agencies and international ports rely on Pandora Intelligence to mitigate crises and fight subversive crime.

Crisis Intelligence

We create predictive and actionable for incident response teams.

By combining an extensive range of data sources with real-time information, our ENGINE produces crucial insights and recommendations.

When every second counts, incident response teams rely on Pandora Intelligence for operational scenarios.

THE Pandora Intelligence ENGINE

Combining our proprietary narrative approach with AI-powered ontology, our ENGINE provides valuable recommendations and insights. It allows organizations to make fast and responsible decisions.
Learn more about our ENGINE and how it facilitates decision-making processes.

"As soon as a call comes in, the Pandora Intelligence engine suggests the most effective operational scenario to follow"

Latest news

Imagination is key to innovation

Indictment of ChatGPT distracts from real question

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